
The Vintage MotorCycle Club Ltd.


Website updated 2nd December 2024

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Albert Brown Run

Roger & Arthur King Memorial Run

2024 AGM




Section Notes

Section Constitution

The Roger & Arthur King Memorial Run

The run is a navigation and road safety run around Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire which is usually held in early May.

This run was originally organised by Roger as a memorial to his late father, Arthur. With Roger's demise his family have taken up the task of organising the run and, fittingly, renamed it as the Roger & Arthur King Memorial Run.

This years' event - 2022 - will be held on Sunday, 15th May.

It will start and finish at the Shefford Memorial Hall, Hitchin Road, Shefford, Beds. Entry forms are available for download here in PDF format. Forms are also available by application to the Secretary of the Meeting: Mrs G. East (Daughter of Roger) 117 Eighth Avenue, Sundon Park, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU3 3DP. (H) 01582 564449 (M) 07931 931308 (E)

Arthur King

I first encountered Mr. King when I started going to the Chiltern Section meetings in the early '70s. Arthur King was part of the Chiltern Section's group of Scott owners whose progress along the highway was an event to be experienced. The sight of a bevy of Scotts "going well" is impressive enough but when you add the sound and the smell the result is something that isn't quickly forgotten.

Advancing years and failing eyesight eventually stopped him from riding but he still kept his enthusiasm and he could often be seen acompanying Roger to events such as the Banbury run.

Arthur King in 1980 with the Premier as used by his son Roger.

Roger King

Roger was an enthusiastic rider and organiser and has been described as a 'Section Stalwart'.

Roger had a varied collection of 'bikes. The Premier and the veteran Scott combination came from his father as I think did the late vintage Scott solo. He acquired a BSA B31 which he rebuilt and which was to become his 'regular' vintage transport. Later he also acquired a Matchless G12 which didn't see much use and a BSA Bantam which took over from the B31 when through illness he could no longer manage the bigger 'bike.

When he thought there weren't enough local riding events he organised midweek runs in the summer and midweek lunches during the winter.

A great source of pride for Roger and quite rightly too, was the Arthur King Memorial Run. It gave him a chance to air his passion for vintage and veteran motorcycles - no postwar and certainly no Japanese - and to apply his other passion of organizing too. A numbered parking spot for competitors at the start and finish, refreshment stops along the way and momentos for all involved. Most enjoyable.

Roger at the AKMR in 2017

Comments, suggestions and articles for inclusion to: Will Curry ()